[POSTPONED TO A FUTURE DATE] Training Course on Hydrological Design Procedures for Engineers and Water Managers
The Malaysian Water Partnership in collaboration with Department of Irrigation and Drainage (DID) Malaysia, and supported by ENSEARCH is pleased to invite you to the Training Course on Hydrological Design Procedures for Engineers and Water Managers.
DID Malaysia has published thirty HPs since 1973 to provide adequate guidelines and standards on hydrological procedures designed for planners and engineers involved in the planning and design of water-related projects in Malaysia. The procedures outlined methods and approaches in hydrological designs, data acquisition and operations and maintenance.
Due to the current development of increasing variability in global and local climates due to climate change, HPs need to to be continuously updated. It is expected that future changes in rainfall intensity due to climate change will alter the level of protection of hydraulic infrastructure.
The Training is scheduled to be held on Wednesday and Thursday, 15-16 November 2023, 9.00am to 4.30pm, in Dewan Dahlia, JPS Ampang, Kuala Lumpur.
Please register for this training course here
Registration fee is RM1,150 per person for MyWP/ENSEARCH member
RM1,400 per person for non-MyWP member
Payable to Malaysian Water Partnership, CIMB Islamic Bank Berhad, 8600238146