
About MyWP

MyWP is a Non Governmental Organization and its main agenda is to support and promote the adoption and practice of the Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) approach in all land and water resource development and management in Malaysia and elsewhere in the world.


“Support our Country in the Sustainable Management of its Water Resources”


  • 1. To provide strategic advice to the Government and relevant stakeholders on water and water related matters with particular emphasis on the adoption of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) principles and practices.
  • 2. To promote greater awareness in IWRM among all stakeholders including the public, water users and potential polluters.
  • 3. To provide and disseminate synthesized knowledge and experience on best management practices (BMPs) in IWRM.
  • 4. To foster interaction among its members by promoting cross sectional and multi-stakeholder dialogues at local, river basin, state and national levels to meet critical needs.
  • 5. To provide support in capacity building and training programmes and activities related to IWRM.
  • 6. To provide support for research and development initiatives related to IWRM.
  • 7. To act as the focal point and coordinating centre for collaborative action with similar or related organizations locally, regionally and internationally.

Our Partners

  • Institutional Stakeholders (50 Government & Private Sector)
  • Community Stakeholders (15 NGOs)
  • Academia & Research (12 Institutes)
  • Individuals
  • Current Membership – 197

MyWP was formed 17 years ago in 1993 as a network and was subsequently registered with the Registrar of Societies Malaysia in 2003. MyWP implements its agenda on a partnership arrangement with other Government Organizations, Private Institutions and Companies, other NGOs, Academia as well as individuals.

Our Objectives are to offer strategic advice to our partners, create awareness among stakeholders on the need for IWRM, implement capacity building and training programs, support and undertake research and development and the be the focal point for initiatives related to IWRM.

In achieving those objectives, MyWP has initiated the IWRM movement within and between the Government and Private Sectors; implemented awareness programmes with partners, developed the Malaysian Water Vision and the framework for its action plan, acted as a platform for multi-stakeholder dialogues and implemented a series of capacity building programs.

National Dialogues / Workshops

  • Effective Water Governance (2003)
  • Water, Food & Environment (2004)
  • Malaysian Water Forum (2004)
  • Water Financing (2005)
  • IWRM Institutional Assessment (2005)
  • 3rd SEA Water Forum (2007)
  • Integrated Flood Management (2009)
  • Water Demand Management (2009)

At present MyWP has initiated a programme to encourage an inter-Ministry dialogue on IWRM and the need to accelerate its implementation.

MyWP is also actively involved in providing resources in terms of materials and resource persons on IWRM related programs by partners such as the Integrated Flood Management Training Program and the Best Management Practices for Groundwater Management in Kelantan.