
November 11, 2012

Malaysia Water Resources Management (MyWRM) Forum 2012

Welcome to Malaysian Water Partnership Website.

In conjunction with the 6th World Water Forum which was held in March 2012 in France, the Malaysian Water Partnership (MyWP) is organising the inaugural Malaysia Water Resources Management Forum 2012 on the same theme “Time for Solutions”. This Biennial Forum is organised by MyWP in close collaboration with the key federal agency responsibe for water resources management in Malaysia – the Department of Irrigation and Drainage Malaysia.

The proposed MyWRM Forum will be held over 2 days (26th-27th November 2012) and will provide a national platform for all key stakeholders to identify and discuss on the key water resources management issues and challenges in the country, and also to propose strategies to address the issues and tackle the challenges faced.


  • To provide a forum for all Malaysian water stakeholders to highlight, discuss and recommend strategies to address WRM-related issues faced by the different water sectors in Malaysia.
  • To provide a platform for all Malaysian water stakeholders to review the approaches taken to address WRM-related work in the various water sectors, and the challenges faced in integrating them.
  • To enhance awareness and understanding of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) and to strengthen political commitments for the IWRM objectives.

Please feel free to participate in our upcoming Malaysia Water Resources Management (MyWRM) Forum 2012.

Date: 26th – 27th November 2012
Venue: Perbadanan Putrajaya, Putrajaya

(PDF File, size 41KB)

Forum Timetable

MyWRM Day1-1 MyWRM Day1-2 MyWRM Day2